| Dredge Consulting |

dredge hard at work
Dredging has become an economically important and difficult regulatory
process. As the regulatory process has become
more challenging, the cost
of dredging has dramatically increased. Therefore, it has become
advantageous for facility owners
to manage the entire dredging process. OCC has the proven track record for planning,
permitting and managing complex
dredging projects for offshore disposal, re-profiling and upland disposal.
The dredging process starts with a condition survey of the facility.
This will provide the facility operator with volumes of material
required to be removed. If this process is repeated over a period of
time (as short as months or as long as years) the facility operator
will be able to project dredging needs for the facility which allows for
the proper budgeting.
Since 1983 Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. has been
providing a diverse client base with inspection, planning, design,
permitting and construction management
(resident engineering) services. OCC’s clients extend from
the homeowner with a private pier
of seawall to the multinational oil company. Project size has ranged from
a few
hundred dollars to 3.6 million dollars. OCC takes pride
the fact that each client is treated with the same importance factor. OCC will get the job done, on time and within
OCC works closely with the client in order to define
the berth and channel areas and minimum operational water depths. It
may be
advantageous to modify
the traditional dredge plan whereby the berth is more efficiently utilized
while reducing dredge quantities.
OCC uses condition surveys to perform the following tasks:
Required sediment testing
Prepare permit applications to the regulatory agencies
Prepare contract documents
Once the permits have been obtained, OCC solicits bids from
pre-qualified contractors and provides the client with recommendations
that address cost, schedule and project uncertainties. Most likely,
these project uncertainties are related to disposal options that could
have an impact on final cost or schedule.
OCC will represent the client during all phases of actual
dredging. This representation could include pre-dredge hydrographic
survey in
order to define the maximum contract amount,
interfacing/scheduling vessel traffic, safety inspections, daily progress
reports, progress
verification surveys and review of payment requests. At
the completion of the project, OCC would perform a final
acceptance survey
that would be the basis of total compensation to the contractor.
OCC is also able to provide full turn key dredging to its
OCC ’s expertise includes:
Mooring and Breasting Dolphins
Complex fender systems
Rehabilitating existing structures
Marine borer protection and related
Marinas/Yacht Clubs
Floating Dock Systems
Marine Travel Lift Facilities
Launching Ramps
Public Access
Fishing Piers
Dredging Projects
Upland Disposal
Offshore Disposal
Waterfront Site Planning
FEMA Flood Zone Determination
Fixed, rubble mount
Fixed, wave attenuator
Beach Nourishment
Sand Bypassing
Dune Design
Residential foundation design in flood hazard areas
