H Y D R O G R A P H I C   S U R V E Y S
H Y D R O G R A P H I C   S U R V E Y S

| Volume |

Cross Section Showing Volumes


Hydrographic Surveys  determines quantities of material to be excavated or placed with great precision using the most sophisticated

Hypack Max software.  Our computers generate cross sections of a given channel using predetermined constant intervals to ensure

accuracy of volumes.  Our volume computations help estimate project cost and gauge progress on a job.  Cross sections are then

analyzed with great consideration for each anomaly, all channel turning point coordinates, and side slope grades and allowances for

end-area computations.  Our accurate data editing and processing ensures proper material removal, thereby minimizing cost and time

spent on a project.


Examples of work include:

  • before dredge volume areas

  • after dredge volume areas

  • progress volume areas

Copyright © 2005 Hydrographic Surveys.